Frequent questions
Is Fruitz free?
Fruitz is a free dating app. For each person you see, you can either "like" them or pass. With the premium mode, you can give unlimited "likes," access new exclusive questions, see what fruit the person has chosen before making a match, and much more.
What differentiates Fruitz from Tinder?
Fruitz differs from Tinder in the way matches are made and conversations are initiated. With Fruitz, you can choose from hundreds of icebreakers instead of relying on the classic greeting.
What does the fruit on Fruitz mean?
The fruit on Fruitz indicates the type of relationship a person is looking for. Grapes indicate that you're looking for a casual hookup; peaches indicate that you're looking for a one-night stand; watermelons indicate that you're looking for a friend with benefits; cherries indicate that you're looking to find your soul mate.
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